Dental Staffing

In a 2021 PreXion study, 71% of general dentists and specialists indicated staffing shortages as one of the greatest challenges their practice faces right now with 27% stating the issue was “extremely challenging” and another 44% stating it was “very challenging.” While staffing shortage is not a new issue, there are emerging ways of solving the problem. Here are three new ways to address dentistry’s staffing shortage:

#1 Hire Dental Temps

In Dental temps: Solution to the ongoing staffing shortage?, Dentistry IQ contributor James Younger, DDS, reports that “dental temping has slowly emerged during the global health crisis as a viable solution to address the dental labor shortage as practices are looking for temporary employees who can adequately fill in for hygienists, assistants, and administrative staff. The flexibility and availability of dental temps have enabled recruiters to quell their hiring concerns and opened up opportunities for dental leaders to recoup lost productivity without spending considerable money and effort on new hires.” While temp agencies have been standard in other U.S. industries, temp agencies and websites that specialize in placing dental staff are quickly emerging and can be worth investigating.

#2 Explore Starting a Dental Assisting School

Dental Economics writer David Harris, MBA, CFE, CFF, CMA, CPA, FCPA, reports in Strategies for navigating the dental industry labor shortage that some dental and specialist practices have created dental assisting schools to attract otherwise elusive candidates. He admits, “While this is not a short-term solution, some dentists have addressed persistent shortages of dental assistants this way.” Partnering with other area dentists in this endeavor may make it more manageable and fruitful for all.

#3 Expand the Periphery of Support

Becker’s Dental and DSO Review outlines in 5 organizations addressing dental staffing shortages these emerging entities that can support dental practices in closing the gap:

This list is likely not exhaustive. Contact your local dental school to inquire what resources they offer to support in solving the dental staffing shortage issue.

Above all, research shows appreciation of current staff goes a long way in retaining the great talent already on the team and can help generate recruitment referrals for new talent. To learn more about how CBCT technology can support you in reaching your practice goals, call us today at 855-PREXION or find a product specialist in your area.

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